Hello! Welcome to my personal website, here you will find everything you need to know about me.
I've created this website to fulfill a long-standing goal. I originally attempted to make a personal website via Wix back in 2018, and completed a fairly comprehensive site. I even launched it, but never maintained it as I went too ambitious.
My interest in having a personal website originated from my 'Introduction to Information Systems' course I took while at the UW. In that class, we learned some basic website building concepts and did some web development via HTML coding. Our projects tasked us with some simple coding to essentially design a webpage, and then launch it via the Foster School's web host.
The first time I was able to type in a URL and see the fruits of my labor as an actual web page on the internet, I was motivated to have my own website. Fast forward to today, you're now reading this on my very own site!